Rafael Nadal: “I’m not afraid to lose. But I always think I can. It helps me”
In his interview, the second racket of the world Rafael Nadal talked about his fears.
“I’m not afraid to lose. But I always think that I can lose. Every day, against any opponent. And it helps me a lot.”
There were rumors that Nadal is afraid of darkness and dogs. But he denies this.
“It’s stupid”.
“I’m worried about the illness. I’m afraid about loved ones.”
Also, he said some words about the coronavirus pandemic: In general, coronavirus doesn’t scare him a lot, because he’s still young. But he worries at most about other people:
“If I get infected, I can infect people at risk. I worry about my parents, my family, and the environment.”
Rafa thinks the pandemic must be treated responsibly, but at the same time logically. People die of the virus, but they can still starve to death. In his opinion, the pandemic dealt a severe blow to the economy.
“It would be best if you found a balance between protecting the health and the economy,”
he said.
For Rafa, essential is not only safety but also freedom and dignity.