Williams & Jordan used illegal tactics to beat Andrews & Webster at NXT UK

Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan used illegal tactics to beat Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster in a tag team match at NXT UK on March 11.
Jordan berated Williams for cheating
At the beginning of the clash, Flash and Kenny caught each other in wristlocks. Their teammates joined the battle, but Williams left the ring without any reason. Andrews and Webster took on Amir and cut him off in a corner. However, Jordan chinlocked Flash, who counterattacked with a dropkick. Webster was close to pin his rival down with a Senton bomb, but Kenny saved his partner.
Amir ramped up the pace – he landed several heavy strikes and hooked Flashes’ leg but failed to submit him. Williams hit Webster with a flurry of shots and dropped him down. Amir went for a pin; however, Andrews rescued his ally by attacking both opponents. The athletes exchanged heavy kicks and punches, but Mark and Flash took over in a grueling clash. When Webster grabbed Williams in a corner, Kenny answered with a mule kick right below the belt. Webster dropped to the canvas and could not get up after the 3-count.
Jordan was displeased with a controversial victory. He disapproved of Williams’ dirty trick and urged him to fight fairly. Nevertheless, Kenny’s strategy helped his party to win a second fight in 2021 and get closer to a title shot against reigning champions Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.
Following the contest, Webster called Williams a snake. Flash claimed that his team had not dropped a single fair bout since July 2020. Webster attributed all the losses to cheating and outside intervention.